Music composition as research

stock image of writing music at a piano
My main job is directing a program that supports undergraduate research and creative projects. Personally, I define research very broadly–simply “creating new knowledge.” But it…
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The Performer’s CV

stock image of people looking at a resume
I’ve written previously about the Composer’s CV, so it’s high time that I have an entry for performers as well. This post is specifically about…
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Leadership in Music: Interview with Dan Cavanagh

Dan Cavanagh
Dan Cavanagh recently became Director of the Mead Witter School of Music at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was previously interim Dean of the College…
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Fun on the front burner: Interview with James Bohn

James Bohn
James Bohn is a composer and music technology specialist. His music has been performed internationally as well as throughout the United States. An Associate Professor…
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A Doctorate in Music: Interview with Yulene Velásquez

Yulene Velasquez
In this series, I interview musicians currently pursuing doctoral degrees. I hope their stories will give readers insights into the joys and challenges of pursuing…
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A Doctorate in Music: Interview with Olivia Kieffer

Olivia Kieffer, recording drums for her new EP
In this series, I interview musicians currently pursuing doctoral degrees. I hope their stories will give readers insights into the joys and challenges of pursuing…
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A Doctorate in Music: Interview with Connor Elias Way

In this series, I interview musicians currently pursuing doctoral degrees. I hope their stories will give readers insights into the joys and challenges of pursuing…
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A Doctorate in Music: Interview with Kory Reeder

Kory Reeder, composer
In this series, I interview musicians currently pursuing doctoral degrees. I hope their stories will give readers insights into the joys and challenges of pursuing…
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A Doctorate in Music: Interview with Elisa Alfonso

In this series, I interview musicians currently pursuing doctoral degrees. I hope their stories will give readers insights into the joys and challenges of pursuing…
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