Performing and creating in Omaha: Interview with Stacey Barelos

photo of Stacey Barelos playing toy piano
Omaha native Stacey Barelos is a sound artist who actively performs, creates and teaches throughout the Omaha community and surrounding area. In 2023 Dr. Barelos…
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Fun on the front burner: Interview with James Bohn

James Bohn
James Bohn is a composer and music technology specialist. His music has been performed internationally as well as throughout the United States. An Associate Professor…
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Composing a class (4/4: Participation & feedback)

In this series, I’m exploring how to “compose” a class. This may be redundant for experienced educators. But if you’re a grad student or new…
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Composing a class (3/4: Delivery and activities)

In this series, I’m exploring how to “compose” a class. This may be redundant for experienced educators. But if you’re a grad student or new…
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Composing a class (2/4: Creating the structure)

In this series, I’m exploring how to “compose” a class. This may be redundant for experienced educators. But if you’re a grad student or new…
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Composing a Class (1/4: Introduction)

I ended up teaching four classes last fall. Since I have a full-time non-teaching job, this was a lot for me to handle. Two classes…
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Music & Academia: Interview with Elyse Kahler

Elyse Kahler
I recently interviewed Elyse Kahler. Elyse is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at The University of Texas at Arlington. She holds a Doctorate of Musical Arts…
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Music & Academia: Interview with Alan Theisen

Alan Theisen
In this series, I interview musicians about their experiences in academia. I hope their stories will help readers forge their own paths, in or out…
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The hardest thing I ever wrote: reflections on academic writing

I’m pleased to announce that I have a book chapter published! It’s part of Audio Education: Theory, Culture, and Practice, edited by Daniel Walzer and…
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