Publishing advice for composers

Don’t wait to “get discovered” One of my biggest pet peeves are artists talking about “getting discovered.” Obviously it’s naïve, but it’s also a passive…
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Motivation & productivity in quarantine

I wrote this post about a month ago, and while some of these thoughts hold true, the whole situation gets more maddening by the day.…
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The hardest thing I ever wrote: reflections on academic writing

I’m pleased to announce that I have a book chapter published! It’s part of Audio Education: Theory, Culture, and Practice, edited by Daniel Walzer and…
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Life in higher ed as an “alt-ac”: a profile of two jobs

The term “alt-ac” was widely discussed in the mid 20-teens, and it’s problematic and misleading but I haven’t seen a better term. Essentially, “alternative academics”…
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The Composer’s CV

I’ve been obsessing over my own CV for about 15 years, and I’ve read many other people’s CVs during that time. Either I read the…
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Restore album

Third post! This time I’m going to take a look at a recent musical project. My plan in this blog is to jump around between…
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Quick advice for composers: bios, CVs, websites

Welcome back to the blog! This is my second post, and I’ve started planning out a lot more. In doing so, I think I’ve figured…
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Out with the Twitter, in with the Blog

Everybody’s making logs and pods When the pandemic hit, it seemed like everyone and his brother started making vlogs or podcasts. I had considered making…
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